Sunday, April 12, 2009


The 12 points regarding National Security which makeup Promise #1:
BJP Manifesto - People want
The BJP will initiate the following measures within 100 days of coming to power:
1. Revive the anti-terror mechanism that has been dismantled by the Congress; improve upon POTA to ensure it is more effective as an instrument of deterrence and a tool to prosecute offenders without innocent people being harassed; and, strengthen the operational role of the National Investigating Agency. -
Can we get more specifics rather than broad terms like strengthen, improve.
2. Give assent to laws drafted by State Governments for dealing with organised crime and terrorism; encourage other State Governments to adopt similar laws. - Which state governments?
3. Launch a massive programme to detect, detain and deport illegal immigrants. - How massive? will the identification of each person in India be checked?
4. Completely revamp the internal and external intelligence agencies and review the existing system of coordination, convergence and dissemination of intelligence inputs. A massive exercise will be undertaken to modernise intelligence agencies so that they are better equipped to use technology and cope with the rapidly changing trends and patterns of terrorism at home and abroad. The National Security Council will be made the hub of all sector-related assessments. It will be accountable for real-time intelligence dissemination;intelligence agencies will be held responsible for lapses. Appointments to intelligence agencies will be on merit and not because of political patronage as has been the system during the Congress years. - The same list of hopes applies for BJP as it applies for the congress in terms of modernisation.
5. A Digital Security Agency will be set up to deal with cyber warfare, cyber counterterrorism,and cyber security of national digital assets. - This seems new :) trying to impress the tech crowd?
6. State Governments will be provided with all assistance to modernise their respective police forces and equip them with the latest weaponry and communications technology.This will be done on a mission mode approach. The police are the first responders to any crisis situation. Drawing lessons from experience, police forces will be trained and fully equipped to deal with situations similar to that of Mumbai and in meeting the challenge posed by Maoists and insurgents. - Will states ruled by Non-BJP givernmnets be given support?
7. Border management will be reviewed and improved. Punitive measures will be introduced to block illegal immigration. Please be more specific- hopefully the review and improvements will be clarifeid when implemented.
8. India’s vast coastline is virtually unprotected. Coastal security will be strengthened for better patrolling of Indian waters and preventing terrorists from taking the sea route to enter India. A National Maritime Authority will be set up to coordinate coastal security. Strengthened how? new equipment? increase in size?
9. Special courts will be set up for speedy prosecution of those involved with acts of terrorism.Their trial shall be fair and justice will be done to the victims swiftly. Special courts that follow the constitution or not ? What is the meaning of special courts? does it mean separate courts or separate laws or separate judges?
10. Coercive measures, including diplomacy, will be used to deal with countries which promote cross-border terrorism. India will engage with the world in the global war on terror while not compromising on its domestic interests, primarily protecting citizens from the ravages of terrorism. :)
11. The Centre will facilitate better inter-State coordination and real-time intelligence-sharing,apart from helping States to raise anti-insurgency forces, to face the threat posed by Maoists. The ‘Chhattisgarh Model’ will be used for counter-Maoist operations. At the same time, every effort will be made to address the social and economic issues that make the ground fertile for Left-wing extremism. - Real time intelligence sharing? how?
12. Any talks with insurgent groups will be conditional and within the framework of the Constitution.The BJP will send out a simple message, loud and clear, to terrorists and their sponsors:They will have to pay a heavy price for each innocent life lost. Retribution will be swift and exemplary. The authority of the state, which has been diminished by the Congress in pursuit of vote-bank politics, shall be restored. - How? What measures will be taken to do these?

National Identity Cards for All
The BJP will launch an innovative programme to establish a countrywide system of multipurpose national identity cards so as to ensure national security, correct welfare delivery,accurate tax collection, financial inclusion and voter registration. Voter identity cards, PANcards, passports, ration cards and BPL cards are already in use though not all with photoidentity. The NDA proposes to make it incumbent for every Indian to have a National IdentityCard. The programme will be completed in three years.The National Identity Card will contain enough memory and processing capabilities to run multiple applications. Through it the NDA will ensure efficient welfare delivery and tax collection. The card will also be linked to a bank account. All welfare payments, including widow and old age pensions, through the wide range of schemes such as Mother and Childsupport/ Kisan Credit, Students Assistance and Micro-Credit will be channelised through the National Identity Card. The card will make it possible for individuals to save and borrow money;for farmers to get bank credit, also establish accurate land titles data.The National Identity Card will also strengthen national security by ensuring accurate citizen identity, thus tracking illegal immigration. All financial transactions, purchase of property and access to public services will be possible only on the basis of the National Identity Card which will be made forgery and hacking resistant.
National Identity card of BJP is more specific than Congress :) But at least we can be assured that if any of these two come to power we can be assured of a National Identity card.
The Promise # 1 can be accessed based on the implementation of each of above 12 targets and the National Identity card.

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